The support system part two

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I’ve talked before about having a support system around you of people who believe in you and will back you up. What I neglected to mention, is that the quality of people that you keep around you matters. There may be people in your life who support you but they are the healthiest or best influence for you to be around. One thing I’ve learned is that most people are affected by what goes on around them. If a person is surrounded by depression and negativity all the time, that person is much more likely to become negative in thoughts and action in their own lives. I personally don’t watch the news a lot. Not because I don’t want to be informed, but because so much of what is reported is negative and depressing and that affects me. so I choose to tune it out. The quality of your relationships has a major effect on your chances to get where you want to go in life. I can’t take complete credit for this wisdom, because I was reminded of it while listening to the Dave Ramsey show Dave talks a lot about how to be responsible with money, getting out of debt and staying out of debt. On a recent show he brought up the quality of relationships people surround themselves with and how it affects everything that we do. In short if you are around successful positive people, it’s going to be a whole lot easier for you to become a success yourself.

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