Smart people make mistakes every day

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It's hard to see anything clearly through that
It’s hard to see anything clearly through that


I believe humans make bad decisions and mistakes, simply because we are not in the right frame of mind to handle what is placed before us on a given day.

Bad days are going to happen, no matter how fabulous your life it is. On a bad day, whether you realize it or not your judgment is probably clouded.

The main key to not doing something boneheaded is being able to identify when you’re not in the appropriate mental state to make a big decision. Today is the one year anniversary of the murder of a very close friend of mine. You can read more about her here Today, I’m aware that I am in no mental shape to make any decision more important than what I’m going to eat next.

If I had a major decision to make today, I’d do my best to put it off till tomorrow, or maybe even next week. This is why people make mistakes when they’re drunk(Think back, you’ve probably made at least one). We are smart people, but even a little emotion has the potential to drastically affect our decisions. You’ll be amazed how much better your decisions turnout when you think them through with a clear head.

Bad day’s will happen. When they do, Focus your energy on getting through them, and improving your outlook. Don’t worry about much else. You will thank yourself in the morning. For more info on this topic read this

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