A wheelchair does not stop a kid on Halloween

I do not want to race this kid
I do not want to race this kid

I struggled with what to post today and then I remember tomorrow is Halloween.  I had two costumes when I was a kid that I still remember as an adult. The first, and the best one, was at the age of about five. I went as Pac-Man . My mom drew the little guy on each side of a cardboard box and put it over my chair. The effect was that no matter which way I turned, I was coming at people as Pac-Man. The box had two holes cut into it so I can see where I was going. It was awesome.

The second costume I remember what is going as a ninja. This is funny because it is very hard to be ninja like in a wheelchair. It’s virtually impossible to sneak up on somebody. I was dressed in all black and matched my best friend at that time. I think even he knew he wasn’t sneaking in anywhere with me.

For those that don’t know the kid above it Is dressed as Mario in his cart from the Mario kart video games. That’s really cool and the parent who came up with that, should be applauded.

This has been Funny Friday. I will steal your candy.

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Stairs and wheelchair don’t mix

If there is such a thing as a nemesis for a man man in a wheelchair, it is probably stairs. It maybe hard to believe in 2015 but there are still lots of places that are in accessible to me. I have a few friends who have apartments that I’ve never even seen because they live somewhere other than the first floor and there’s no elevator.

Lots of businesses still have the same problem. I wrote about not being able to get into a talent  recently. You can read about it right here.

Point is, This is just part of my life. If there are stairs and no other way to get in, I probably can’t go there. That may be about to change

How awesome is that? I want one, but it’s only a proto type so I guess I’ll have to wait for a bit but things are looking up. You can find out more about it right here

This has been wheelchair Wednesday. I bet you all want one now.

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Settling for less will give you a life full of stress

“Beware ordinary life”

Only you can know what you're worth
Only you can know what you’re worth


A friend of mine has that quote as the signature for her email. I have no idea who said it, or where he comes from. Every time I see, it, I’m  reminded what I’m working for. I’m terrified of an ordinary life. . Someone told me once that I was lucky. That because of my disability, I could do whatever I wanted every day for the rest of my life and no one would say a word. This terrified me when I heard it, because in my experience it’s probably true. I don’t think much is expected out of people with disabilities. it’s wrong, but I can see how an able bodied person might come to that conclusion .

I can’t do a lot of things that you might take for granted every day. I’m not being negative, it’s just a fact. I can see how someone would look at my very obvious limitations and say “his life is hard enough why not stay home and avoid the things that the rest of us have to deal with everyday.”

Think about it, how many people in chairs or with obvious disabilities do you work with? There’re very few places that I go on a daily basis that have people with physical limitations working there. At least who are visible to the public.

My point is the logic is sound. It was hard for me to get a college degree, harder than I’d like to admit. It has been hard for me to find a way to make even a part-time living, but I have managed to do it .

I think that many people with physical or mental disabilities don’t even try, because it’s just too hard. I’m not looking down on those people, because it is hard. There are lots of days that I think I might be happy to watch Netflix all day and play video games, just because I can. When it comes right down to it however, I don’t because a little voice in the back of my head says “that person was right, this is all anyone expects and no one would say a word if you chose to sleep all day”

I have had a massive chip on my shoulder for a majority of my life, because I’ve tried to prove to myself and to other people, that I can be more. That living with a disability and everything that comes with it, doesn’t exempt me from trying to be something other than a guy with cerebral palsy. To me that’s the definition of ordinary life

I have gigantic dreams. Dreams of traveling the world. Dreams of  influencing millions. I have had these dreams ever since I can remember. Every day that I wake up, without achieving them frustrates me. For the last 10 years, I’ve felt that no matter where I turned, something was in my way keeping me from getting where I wanted to go, so I keep working. If for no other reason than to prove every day that I haven’t given up, and that I’m not happy to let my disability dictate what my life will be.

I don’t know what kind of life you want today. I don’t know what your dreams are. I don’t know what you strive for. I don’t know what your personal vision for you is What ever that is today. DON”T SETTLE FOR LESS. Millions of people settle in their lives, and jobs and dreams, I promise you each and every one of them regrets doing so. We get one life don’t spend it being something less then what you dream you can be.

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This has been motivational Monday, share it, someone you know probably needs to read it.

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It takes work to look this good in a chair

“you must never under estimate the power of an eyebrow”
Jack Black

This video is about three years old. I’m posting it now because I got my haircut today. I still go to the same barbershop, and although I hate to admit it, I got my eyebrows waxed today. That’s right folks, I have been converted. It hurts yes, but every time I see an older man whose eyebrows are out of control, a little voice in my head says “see, THAT’s why you get that done”

I understand that this probably makes me vain. I never thought I was but every time a woman tells me that I don’t look anywhere near 36, I think to myself I must be on the right track. I don’t think I’m going to want to go hairless anytime soon but I didn’t think I would wax my eyebrows either. I figure my chair is enough for a woman to deal with. I should probably look less like Al Bundy and more like Brad Pitt as often as I can.

This has been funny Friday. if this didn’t make you smile you probably need an eyebrow wax and are in denial about it. 🙂

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The chair does not have a flux capacitor

I'm expecting Doc Brown anytime
I’m expecting Doc Brown anytime


As you probably realized by now it’s Back To The Future day. Like most people who are now adults that movie means a lot to me. When I was growing up there were no movie theaters where I lived, so we watch a lot of movies on VHS or when they came on TV, and in the days before cable that happened a lot. I remember watching the movie on VHS and being amazed, I didn’t realize it then but being in a wheelchair and living in the country as we did, my world and entertainment was fairly limited. I have always had a pretty wicked imagination, I love sci-fi and the idea of time travel was something that captured my imagination, still does (every kid I knew wanted to catch a ride on the back of a pickup truck like Marty did. Don’t even get me started on the hover board)  This morning I took time to watch Back In Time on Netflix.

It’s a documentary that got its funding from kick starter, it’s all about movies and how they inspired the world, it’s not very often  I take an hour and a half to watch something the day it’s released but I did with that. If you are a Netflix subscriber you can watch it right now. If not, you should be able to purchase it various places, including iTunes. I also found out the all three of the movies are available on Amazon prime video this month for free. If I wasn’t writing this I’d be watching the first movie right now.

You can’t talk about Back To The Future without talking about Michael J Fox.  Marty McFly is a character that everybody knows whether you seen the movies or not, and that’s all because of Michael J Fox. He nailed the character and I’m looking forward to watching the movies again in the next couple days because the great thing about them is that they are funny. I’m pretty sure that I’ll see jokes in the movies at 36 that I completely missed every other time I’ve seen them.

We don’t often ask you to donate for the blogs that I write here. (although you really should we have a donate button and everything) today I’m asking you to visit the Michael J Fox foundation and donate to Parkinson’s research. He has been fighting the disease for several years now and is extremely outspoken.  he is an inspiration to me. I have  known several people with Parkinson’s and that’s a cause that I support wholeheartedly.

If you’re looking for something to do it tonight, you can check it out all three movies at a theater near you, (for one night only I assume) or you can pop some popcorn and fire up the Dorian in the comfort of your own home. I think that’s where I’m going to do.


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Independence sometimes needs some chewing gum a paperclip and duct tape

I wonder what he would charge me to consult
I wonder what he would charge me to consult?


I was born with cerebral palsy I’ve been in the chair for as long as I can remember. I’ve needed help every day since that day I was born. Independence is something that has come little by little. I went to college and found a way to get it done, with lots of help from others of course, but I got it done.

I spent years looking for a personal assistant. Maybe closer to a decade. Last October, I got Jane. Having her has been a major adjustment. I can finally get out and go,(not whenever I want to but almost.) I have someone to stay with me. Which allows my parents to have much more of a life of their own. I’m learning to the shop for groceries, and now I’m learning what it’s like to be able to make my own choices. It’s an amazing thing really.

All that said, I still live in my parents house. It has a few things that are built just for me, like a big bathroom and sink I can roll under. For the most part however, it’s their house. Appliances are located in convenient places for them. Which in most cases means they are too high for me to reach. This is okay for most things, a guy with very limited motor skills, probably shouldn’t be attempting to cook a meal on the stove. That said, having the ability to microwave a snack when I got hungry and no one else was around, would be nice.

Over the last year, I have been extremely fortunate to have an independent minded woman pointing these things out of me. She’s constantly thinking of ways I can improve my situation. A major addition to my living environment would be a microwave. When I started thinking about it, all of these wrinkles begin to happen. A microwave is great but only if I have access to food to put in it. That means I’ll probably need a freezer somewhere in my room as well. My room is nice but it’s very limited in terms of space and I don’t even have that much stuff.

So I am looking around  trying to figure out where I could put a freezer and a microwave that would be accessible to me. Then I start thinking about how I could get the food from the freezer to the microwave and out of the microwave without making a huge mess in very limited space, that someone else might have to cleanup. All of these thoughts have me wondering if there is a reality show out there that specifically designs spaces for people like me, to help us become more independent? If there’s not there should be. There’s one out there for everything else. (there is one about building custom epic tree houses, those guys are insane).

My point with this post, is that in my case becoming independent has happened by baby steps. it’s painfully slow, And in the case of the microwave and freezer, trying to figure out how to make it work, in a place that’s not really designed for it, is a daunting task. I know it  will happen for me. Sometimes it feels like I will need a team of MacGyver’s to make it happen. (that’s want a mile time favorite shows, just an FYI.) Has anybody out there ever attempted what I am talking about, and do you have blueprints?  Comments welcome. Independence is worth it, but I don’t think it ever comes easy.

Comments are welcome

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Smart pills you say? Yes please

What I could do with this pill
What I could do with this pill


I love all of of the types of entertainment. Being a kid in a wheelchair growing up, I watched a lot of TV and played lots of video games. I read a lot also. I couldn’t play sports like most kids, so these were things that kept me busy.

As I have gotten older, I still read a lot and play video games more than most people but not like I used to. I hardly ever watch TV unless it’s a very specific show like The Black List. I’ve watched a lot of the new shows this year and I must say, they are really good. I love BlindSpot, The Grinder and a few other ones. The one that has  really caught my eye however is Limitless

The reason is simple the story seems to take place only a few months after the events of the movie and the main character of the movie is a major player on the TV show.

That’s something that I’ve never seen before it’s an amazing way to continue the story and bring people in who love the movie. My whole life I’ve had people tell me that I could be a rocket scientist if I applied myself. I consider myself to be smart but not that smart. Human beings only use 10% of our brain. The idea of a pill that would allow someone to use their whole brain is really intriguing to me.

I’ve often wondered what  opportunities in my life I have missed to give myself a better life, because I just wasn’t smart enough to see it. I have had several family members and other people tell me I should dabble in stocks because I have the time to do the research.

The idea kind of terrifies me. I don’t feel like I’m smart enough to see the trends. I’ve wondered how many opportunities I’ve missed with women because I wasn’t observant enough to see them in front of me.

I’ve never really been tempted to try and illegal drug, but if there was no one out there that  could make me smarter, that would be hard for me to resist. I highly recommend that you watch the movie and check out the TV show. It has been time well spent for me.

Is anybody else wondering how much time the lead actress on       Blindspot spends in make up to put on and remove those tattoos for every show? 

I’m just saying

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You’re going down Monday you can’t win

Anybody else have a plan for world domination?
Anybody else have a plan for world domination?

Even though I’ve never had a  day job, I struggle with Monday just like everybody else.  As I get older they seem to get worse. The best way I found to deal with them, it Is constantly reminding yourself that you are in control and it’s going to be a good week. You have no control over what goes on around you. Just make up your mind to have a good Monday whatever happens. Having a minion around also helps. Now back to devising my plan for a wheelchair themed amusement park. I need some help figuring out the rides, any ideas?


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Be thankful every day it won’t hurt a bit

Easier said than done but it's the truth
Easier said than done but it’s the truth

How thankful are you for what you have? Seems like a weird question I know. I don’t know about you, but it’s easy for me to get hung up on what I don’t have, or what I’m missing, instead of thinking about how blessed I am, I have a friend in the hospital right now, dealing with some very serious issues. Issues that you wouldn’t think about having to deal with in your 30s.

I have another friend who fights through pain everyday, and does it with  smile. I have a wheelchair yes, but in all other aspects of my life, including my health, I am extraordinarily blessed. It’s very easy for me to lose track of that. It takes some serious wisdom and patience to learn to be content with where you are in life. No matter how tough your life is, you probably have something you can be thankful for. I have learned that if I don’t reflect on what I’m thankful for on a regular basis, the pressures and darkness of everyday life can overtake me, Today I am thankful for being healthy. I’m also thankful for good friends and family who I know love me. What are you thankful for?

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