I got nothing so I’ll just ramble

It just looks like I know what I'm talking about
It just looks like I know what I’m talking about



I can’t decide what to write about today. I’ve got nothing really inspirational and I’m not feeling that funny, so I’ll leave you with a couple of observations.


Observation one

Fred Savage might be ageless

I watched a couple of episodes of that new show on Fox called The Grinder.  it’s got our friend Fred and Rob Lowe, I’ve seen two episodes and I think is really interesting, mainly because I believe Fred looks the same as he did like 30 years ago, right down to the Voice. His voice is exactly the same as when he was playing a teenager on The Wonder years.(That show was great, don’t even get me started), Like half way through my second episode last night, I kept expecting Connor McCloud to show up with a sword and try to take him on  (who’s old enough to get that reference…. Anybody?)

Observation two

How is it winter already?

It’s October for crying out loud. I have no idea how we got here. One minute I’m trying to figure out how to get a tan quickly so I can wear shorts without blinding the unsuspecting public, the next I’m trying to find pajama pants because I’m cold(I’m wearing them now actually, and they are great)

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it on this blog but I get cold very easily. It probably has something to do with sitting all the time and having bad circulation. Unless it 85 outside, I am probably cold, I’ve never had a girlfriend in the winter. I’m thinking that’s probably good because I would want to snuggle all the time. I’m wearing pajama pants at 6:30 in the evening. I feel like a really old man.  I was at a indoor volleyball game the other day, and I saw an older man in wheelchair wearing a blanket almost up to his chest. . To each their own, he might have been sick, I have no way of knowing, but I hope the only way you ever see me with a blanket in public is if I’m wearing it like a cape. Just saying.

See, this is what happens when I have nothing inspiring to say. I just get random.

Happy Wednesday folks


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Being the best me I can be

How could you be better?
How could you be better?



I have had it pointed out to me several times over the last year that the way that I think about things could maybe use a little work. I think that’s probably true for all of us. “Nobody is perfect” if you stop and think about it, you can probably think of some aspect of your life that needs work.

Whether it’s your attitude, your communication skills or the way you interact with others, we all need work. In my case, I usually don’t perceive that I could be better a person and In a particular area until someone points it out. I think we all have that person in our lives who can point out our flaws in a way that we can handle and not be offended.

In my case I tend to have issues not seeing the big picture. I struggle with the idea that it is not always about right now. Take this blog for example, I would love to get paid for doing this. It’s probably not going to happen but I would love it. More than likely doing this blog Will eventually lead me to something else in the future that could be my next step. I may never be paid for doing this but I might develop a skill that will be useful in my next job.

In this case I’m using making money on the blog as a way to illustrate other similar situations I’ve struggled with recently. It took a very special person in my life to point out that I wasn’t focused on the future as I should be. If anyone else had said that to me I probably wouldn’t have taken it well. Instead I have decided to change that aspect of myself for the better. It’s hard to admit that I don’t know everything and that I’m not always right when this happens. That said, every time I’ve listened and make the effort, it has paid off for me in the long run.

What would you change about yourself to become better?



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You got this just don’t sneeze on anyone

Easy to say harder to do
Easy to say harder to do

I’ve been sick this week.  Nothing major, just want those colds  that sucks all your energy and makes you want to sleep. Today was my day off so I slept extremely late. The rest of the week I’ve had work to do and have literally had to make myself get up. I saw this picture and it reminded me of Dr. Leigh. 

It didn’t matter if you were sick or tired or had had a bad week. If you showed up for something she expected you to work. I was in a wheelchair and she didn’t cut me any slack. Her attitude has served me well as I’ve gotten older, and I have had more and more days where I just don’t feel particularly good. Some days you need to take a break and rest but I have noticed that when I push through what I need to get done, regardless of how I feel I actually feel better because i’ve accomplished something. If you are struggling at work while reading this, just remember, the weekend is only a few days away.






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Walking seems like really hard work

I’ve been in a wheelchair all my life and I have to admit something, I have never really wanted to walk. I can’t think of a ton of things that I would love to do if I could walk, dancing Sports, Rock climbing, the list goes on. The act of walking however has never actually appealed to me.

That’s probably because every time I have ever done it with the aid of technology it has hurt really badly.

Jokes aside, walking  just to walk, has never made sense to me.  I have no idea why all of you” normal”  people don’t ride around on segues everywhere you go. I’m all for exercise, but walking or running just seem like a massive waste of energy. I don’t understand the stationary bikes or treadmills either, if I’m going to put in that much effort I better going somewhere, just saying. Somebody out there who likes to walk, tell me what I’m missing. Is it one of those don’t knock it until you’ve tried it kind of things?

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Smart people make mistakes every day

It's hard to see anything clearly through that
It’s hard to see anything clearly through that


I believe humans make bad decisions and mistakes, simply because we are not in the right frame of mind to handle what is placed before us on a given day.

Bad days are going to happen, no matter how fabulous your life it is. On a bad day, whether you realize it or not your judgment is probably clouded.

The main key to not doing something boneheaded is being able to identify when you’re not in the appropriate mental state to make a big decision. Today is the one year anniversary of the murder of a very close friend of mine. You can read more about her here Today, I’m aware that I am in no mental shape to make any decision more important than what I’m going to eat next.

If I had a major decision to make today, I’d do my best to put it off till tomorrow, or maybe even next week. This is why people make mistakes when they’re drunk(Think back, you’ve probably made at least one). We are smart people, but even a little emotion has the potential to drastically affect our decisions. You’ll be amazed how much better your decisions turnout when you think them through with a clear head.

Bad day’s will happen. When they do, Focus your energy on getting through them, and improving your outlook. Don’t worry about much else. You will thank yourself in the morning. For more info on this topic read this

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My wall has wheels

Walls protect us but they can also keep opportunity out
Walls  are easy to build and hard to take down

I’ve seen more  damage  done buy low self-esteem and  doubt then anything else.  I’ve had my fair share of both. I learned during my struggles of getting a broadcasting degree that you can read about right here and here, that if you don’t believe in yourself, very few other people will. I’m not saying you won’t have supporters, you will but you will have lots more critics. They are never nice and they almost never have your best interests in mind. We all struggle, and it’s always hard. If you are struggling with low self-esteem or doubt it’s even harder. The past is called the past for a reason. It doesn’t matter anymore, and you can’t change it. You were put here for a very specific reason. You have skills and abilities that no one else on earth has.

The walls that you have built can keep you from finding your true potential. You are unique and special. Whatever has happened to you, has given you prospective that no one else has.

I have a wheelchair. No one sees the world like I do. Other people in wheelchairs have had different life experiences than me and almost certainly see the world differently than I do. My chair is an obstacle. A wall for me to get over. In the process of life it has made me strong, give me a will to fight, and not allow it to conquer me. Whatever the reason was that you built your walls, it’s time to take them down and start working towards being the person you want to be.

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Someone is always watching put your game face on

Maybe without the crazy eyes
Maybe without the crazy eyes


I spent the better part of the day at doctors office. I have gone to the same doctor for the better part of 20 years. Recently I decided it was time for a change. There was nothing wrong with the doctor I had, it just sort of seemed like he was going through the motions. Trying to get people in and out as fast as possible.

I don’t know about you guys but when I don’t feel well, or have a problem serious enough to seek out a doctor, I don’t like to be rushed, and I don’t like to be treated like a number. First visits to a new doctor are always a pain. I showed up a half hour early, because I knew there would be paperwork, and there was, lots of it. I spent over a half-hour filling out forms, (well Jane did but I had to answer her questions). Then when I was done, I had to wait 20 more minutes just to go back to the little room. Then once I got there, I waited another half hour.

At this point, I’ll freely admit to being a little frustrated. However, I was also intrigued. I could hear the nurses outside the door laughing and joking and even having fun with other patients. Something different was going on here.

Finally the doctor came in. He shook my hand(that’s kind of a big deal. If someone doesn’t know me, they don’t usually even attempt it.) Then, he sat down, and begin to talk me about my situation. We talked about other specialists who might be of help to me, and treatments to improve the quality of my life. This lasted about 20 minutes.

I’ve had a few doctors in my time. I’m not sure that I’ve ever had one ask how he could be of service to me. At one point he said “I’m really looking forward to working for you”

This brings me to the reason I am writing this post. I delt with a man today, who  obviously takes pride in his job, and wants to be of service to his patients.  That’s rare in today’s world.  when you see it, it’s very refreshing. By the end of the visit I didn’t even care that I had spent more than two hours in there.  His good attitude changed mine.

It reminded me that whatever I do, I need to do it with a smile, not only s smile, but genuine enthusiasm. You probably aren’t going to always like what you do, but if you do it like it matters, people will notice and doors will open. I certainly noticed today.


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When in doubt go all out



Life is too short for regrets. I have exactly 3 in my 36 years of life. Two of them I had no control over and could do nothing to change the outcome.

The third has to do with going from a manual wheelchair to a power chair when I started high school. If I were still in a manual chair today, I would be in so much better shape and there’s no telling what I could have done physically. At the time my parents were afraid I wouldn’t be able to get to my classes on time, and consequently pushed me to make the change. As a lazy 14 year old kid, all I knew  was that this would allow me to be even more lazy. I had no idea what the consequences would be, and even if I had, I probably wouldn’t have cared. I care now. Every time I see one of those extreme sports wheelchair guys I think” I could have been that”

Anyone that knows me, especially women, will tell you I speak my mind. I’ll say I love you often and I’m not afraid to be softhearted, because I don’t ever want to regret something I didn’t say. One woman in particular, (I’ll freely admit I’m very sweet on her.) For you young kids out there,that means I’m WAY into her) calls me  mushy” man. “she says I get” a sound” in my voice when I talk to her.

I never apologize for that. Life is too short to hold back.  In everything that you do, go all out. You’ll probably have to step out of your comfort zone, and you may get hurt, but at least you won’t regret what you didn’t do.


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Work and wait and try not to drive yourself crazy

I have to remember this every day
I have to remember this every day

I’m a hard worker. I work everyday on something. Lots of the work that I do doesn’t pay me, and I don’t get a pat on the back for it. There’s so much that I want for my life. When I was in my 20s I knew I needed a personal assistant. I searched for someone who could do the job, and a way to pay them, for more than 10 years. I now  have that. I have more independence now than I’ve ever had in my life. I had to wait a really long time to get it. Now I want to travel and speak and spend time with friends that I love. I want it now, yesterday.

I ask myself sometimes why I have to wait for what seems like such a basic thing. I don’t know the answer to that question right now, but I do know there’s probably a good reason, and the timing needs to be right. I know what I want will come when the time is right.

Never doubt your desires or ambitions. Do the work and wait. The waiting is the hardest part. You may not get exactly what you want, but what you get will probably be exactly what you need.


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What he said

Life is about choices. Whether you fail or succeed it’s up to you. Nick is a great example of the fact that we all have issues. Compared to him my chair means nothing. The choice of how to deal with my chair and everything that comes with it, is up to me. I can give up or keep going. You have the same choice. No matter what you’re dealing with the choice is yours. Will you give up or keep going? It’s your choice
Thanks Nick

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