I’ve been writing, speaking, doing YouTube videos and podcasts since I was 16 years old. As I’ve said many times in all those different forms of communications, I’m not where I want to be. I may be an inspiration to you, but in my own mind, I still feel that I have a long way to go before I reach my personal vision of success.
With that in mind, I read books, and go to websites, on a regular basis, to try and learn more about being a success. My theory is that I can always learn from other people who have succeeded. As I write this, I’ve just finished listening to a book called, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams. You might know Scott from the Dilbert cartoon. Turns out he is multitalented. He has several books on different topics. You can learn more about him Here.
I enjoyed this one because he writes like me. (at least I imagine I’m that good). He doesn’t claim to know more than you. He doesn’t even claim that what has worked for him will work for you. (I should probably do more of that on this blog, thanks Scott.) The book is all about using systems in life for success instead of trying to achieve a goal. I won’t tell you anymore than that because well, you need to read it. The book fits in nicely with what I do here. Part of the reason I’m writing about it is that everything he says seems logical to me, in terms of the achieving success. I’ve decided I’m going to send this post to him via email as a thank you, (if I can find his email) it was that good. He’s probably reading this right now thinking” Did this guy read the section about business writing” (I did, it’s on my to do list).
So let’s recap. A good system for success is finding other successful people and listening to what they have to say. It hasn’t failed me yet,