You got this just don’t sneeze on anyone

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Easy to say harder to do
Easy to say harder to do

I’ve been sick this week.  Nothing major, just want those colds  that sucks all your energy and makes you want to sleep. Today was my day off so I slept extremely late. The rest of the week I’ve had work to do and have literally had to make myself get up. I saw this picture and it reminded me of Dr. Leigh. 

It didn’t matter if you were sick or tired or had had a bad week. If you showed up for something she expected you to work. I was in a wheelchair and she didn’t cut me any slack. Her attitude has served me well as I’ve gotten older, and I have had more and more days where I just don’t feel particularly good. Some days you need to take a break and rest but I have noticed that when I push through what I need to get done, regardless of how I feel I actually feel better because i’ve accomplished something. If you are struggling at work while reading this, just remember, the weekend is only a few days away.






Image can be found here

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