Tag Archives: Comedy

The book is finally here You can now have me in your house

Hi everybody

I am super excited to announce that my book is finally available. It’s Called  From a seated perspective. Is available RIGHT HERE.  This has been a long time coming. Some of you have literally been waiting YEARS  and I think the wait will have been worth it. After you buy a copy: do me a favor and please write a review. I want to get the word out to as many people as possible.

Click the picture to go to Amazon


As with almost everything I do on the Internet these days, This book wouldn’t have gotten done without the help of Evie.  She did more than you guys will ever know to make it easier for me to write and did some amazing art that makes me smile every time I see it. I am a published author largely because of her. I’m not always the easiest guy to work with, so her perseverance means more to me then I have words to express.

I also want to thank my buddy Tommy, who did the final edit. He quite literally tore the book apart. We’ve been friends for more than a decade, and he is always around to back me up. It is very much appreciated. Thank you, sir.

I truly hope you guys enjoy the book. If it sells well I might be convinced to do another one.  So what are you waiting for? GO GET IT