I wear a seatbelt so that I don’t fall out of my chair when people come up behind me and scream.
I have really super amazing hearing. My hands don’t work so well and my legs don’t work so well, but my ears work really well. Like SONIC HEARING good. I could be a whole new kind of Batman. Because of my super sonic hearing, I have an aversion to things that make loud noises, like guns, firecrackers and balloons.
I’ll never forget being taken to a party at church and they did that game where it’s like musical chairs but you sit on balloons. All the popping scared the crap out of me.
I was the guy in school that people figured out they could sneak up behind me and yell, which would make me jump. I wasn’t scared, but I have CP so when I get startled I become spastic because my brain works differently. I wear a seatbelt, so that I don’t fall out when people come up behind me and scream. They do that because they think my jumping is funny. My friends would do that. Then they would say they were sorry. And then they would laugh. I guess every superpower has a downside. I wonder if I can get some sort of endorsement deal for my super hearing?
I just did some research on the Internet and it turns out that super hearing is real (sort of) check this out. Just call me Golden ears.
I’m about to admit something I should probably not admit on a blog about motivation and comedy. I struggle with feeling powerless .I don’t move around very well. And when I wake up in the morning, I’m lying in bed….obviously, as opposed to on the …ceiling …or something…
I’ve never been able to transfer myself from my bed to my chair without help. Let’s have an honest and true discussion here for a second. For a very confident man who usually believes he can do anything, this is a very depressing site. I’m lying there, in bed, and across the room is the chair there’s what seems like a mile and a half of cold floor in between the two. Lots of mornings I wake up and see that expanse of floor, and I think, “What’s the point in even getting up?” I need help. It’s a struggle just getting out of bed. The way I combat this feeling every morning is by telling myself I’m going to do something truly awesome today.
Some days the truly awesome thing is as simple as not having to wear shoes.
And some days it’s writing a book or helping a depressed friend who’s had a tough day. I never know what it’s going to be, but every day I have to believe that there is something for me to do, otherwise what is the point in getting up?
Because let’s face it. Beds are really, really comfortable.
I’ve been struggling a lot lately with that comfortable bed, because I want to be awesome on a much bigger scale. I recently applied for my passport because I saw a passport as the next logical step to being awesome worldwide. Then I started thinking about it. When I get my passport then what do I? Travel around the United States for a guy in wheelchair is hard. It gets harder when you start thinking about flights, hotel and transportation in a place that you’ve never been. Been struggling this week with the fact then I want to go and see my two favorite people and they happen to live in relatively the same place, only a few states away. I can’t get my mind around how to do it, without taking my parents along.
As I get older the ability to go and do my own thing without involving my family is something I crave. Especially with two women involved. There probably won’t be any make out sessions, but that’s not really the point. I just want to go on my own. This is something I’ve struggled with for years. Very slowly, I’m getting more and more independent. I have my semi full time personal assistant Jane. I rarely see my parents, not like I once did anyway. When we are around home I’m basically independent of them, but traveling on my own still seems extremely daunting. It costs a lot more for me to travel than the average person, simply because in this case, I can’t stay with either of my friends. So that means a hotel. Then add in the fact that Jane can’t handle me on her own. By handle me I mean physically. We have ceiling lifts that handle that at home.
Why am I telling you this?
I’m telling you, because it Is something that I struggle with. I’ll always need help, there’s no way around that. I think it’s something God built into my life to keep me in check, if I were an able-bodied human, oh the trouble I would get into. I’m writing this in the hopes that it influences some out there and to give you a glimpse into my mind.
I can’t travel where I want to, but it won’t always be that way (at least I hope not). In the meantime, I’ll do something every day that I hope rocks your world and changes your prospective. If I can do that it’s worth getting up. What makes Life worth getting out of bed for for you? The day you figure that out, your entire life will change. Having something to get up for gives you life and changes everyone and everything around you for the better.
Every social interaction that you may take for granted completely changes when you’re on wheels. It’s like being stuck in an alternate universe where you know how things should work, but the normal rules do not apply.
man I hope the button is at my height.
There are a lot of things that are “backwards” for me that people don’t think about. I personally feel that men should hold doors open for women. Maybe it’s a Texas thing, or maybe it’s just a traditional old-school man thing, but I really feel that I should open doors and pull chairs out for women. I can’t pull a chair out for a woman unless I get there 20 minutes early. How do I get my chair around her chair so that I can push her chair out of the way? And then once she sits down, how to I gracefully help her slide forward to the table? Maybe if I ram it under with my wheelchair. Yeah, that’s chivalry. And stuff.
Come to think of it, nothing with dating is as it should be for a guy in a wheelchair. I remember when I was much much younger being in a bar and a woman asking me to dance. So I go out in the middle of the floor and it slowly dawns on her that I can’t dance. So she asks me, “So, how exactly do we do this?” I smiled and said, “You can sit in my lap”. I took her for a spin around the bar in my wheelchair. She said she would remember it forever because it was the best time she ever had in a bar. She probably didn’t, because she was too drunk to even remember me by the next day.
Unfortunately, if I were in a room with sober women this never would have happened. If I were to ask a sober woman to sit on my lap in my chair, they would be worried that 1. they are going to hurt me or 2. they start thinking that I’m a pervert. I am not a pervert, but riddle me this, all you women out there…How is a handicapped guy supposed to touch you or make any sort of move whatsoever if you are hovering so much higher up there? I’m sitting, you’re standing. By social norms, I’m allowed to maybe touch your elbow or shoulder to connect with you, but reaching up for an elbow looks like I’m reaching up for a breast and anything below that is off limits. I’m totally screwed. I swear I’m not a pervert. But maybe if I throw myself out of my chair I can get you to touch me. LOL. Just kidding.
Me trying to actually make a move on a lady is like a three-toed sloth trying to climb up a tree. It’s like a one legged frog trying to swim to China from the USA, or even from Japan for that matter. But, I digress…
In college I had a friend named Nikki. We were fairly close. Her birthday was coming up and I asked her what she would like for her birthday. She said she would like a ride in my lap across campus to her class. All the women who saw us gave us looks like, “How did that guy get that girl into his lap?” The men seemed to be looking like, “That guy is awesome!” When she got to her class, the other girls were talking about her in whispered tones. Finally, she pulled one of the girls aside and asked what was up. The girl said that the other girls were concerned that she may have hurt me by sitting on my lap. They didn’t think it was “appropriate” and so forth. They asked her, “What if you had broken his legs?” Nikki confidently said, “The worst I could have done is break his legs, but it’s not like he uses those anyway!”
I’m so glad that she took the ride in my chair. I felt included and normal for a little while.
I can’t hold doors open for women either. Usually they hold the door open for me. This is completely emasculating. I feel like I’m a failure in some way when this happens. I say, “Thank you”, but I’m thinking, “If I had working legs, I would totally sweep you off of your pretty little feet. I might even carry you through the threshold.”
When shopping items are on the top shelf it’s embarrassing if I have to ask a woman who is 5 foot 3 wearing 3 inch heels to reach the Fruity Pebbles or Count Chocola for me because I can’t. (Yes, I’m a child.) Not only does she look at me strangely because I’m asking her to get the cereal for me, but also because of the type of cereal. I should shake the box and say, “I wonder if there’s a toy in here?”
The force is with me. How else do you think I get the good parking?
That’s not true I really just want the arms and legs I’ve been watching through the Star Wars movies in order one through six all over again, getting ready for number seven in December. I’m really looking forward to it. JJ Abrams did so well with Star Trek, that I actually have faith he might pull off Star Wars
I’m such a geek that I also took the time to watch the entire clone wars animated series and I have to admit when you put it altogether it’s quite an epic story. You can make fun of the latest three movies if you like, but other than replacing a couple of the actors, I’m not really sure how they could’ve been better in terms of telling the story.
That said, I have to much time on my hands. After watching four of them so far. I have a few questions. First after Vader was burned there wasn’t much left. Did the Emperor have that suit on standby? I don’t think you’re going to stroll down to the 711 and pick up a Darth Vader suit.
Second, how does he use the bathroom in that thing? I have a hard time unbuttoning my jeans I can’t imagine trying to get out of that.
Third This all happened a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. where are my bionic arms and hands? Do I have to get maimed by light saber to qualify? It’s 2015. What’s the hold up?
I could walk with just a little help.
George Lucas made $4.05 billion when he sold everything off I wonder if he’s got that kind of stuff lying around that nobody knows about
I talked a little bit about my vacation a few weeks ago right here because I am a comedian everything gets put into my act. so, for your viewing pleasure today, I give you my latest standup act and Lauren’s Place in Second Life if you want to find out more about Lauren’s place you can find the whole crew on Google plus right here
I love music. If you have spent much time here at all, you’ve probably figured out I’ve always loved it. It’s part of my life every day. I’m very lucky to be able to promote Live independent music in virtual worlds. If you follow me on Facebook at all, you probably wondered what that was about. Well the short version is, there are unsigned artists playing music for people all over the world. I’ve been lucky enough to be part of the online music scene for more than five years. I just spent the last few hours of my evening listening to 2 fabulous artists who played concerts, to virtual clubs full of real people. One of them is a friend of mine from Nashville named Barbie ( yes that’s really her name) the picture at the top of this post this her avatar on the stage. If you had been there or had been listening on radio stream you would have heard her singing and playing guitar Live from Nashville. You can find out more about her and her band, who you can see play live if you’re in the Nashville area right here
The other person that I heard just before typing this post is the lovely Evie Marie ( AKA Singergirl if you go see her live) . She has been in music since the mid 1980s ( 1986 to be exact). She has played all over the world. Over the last year she has become a Part of my life on a daily basis. She is the one who drives me. The one who made posts to the site so easy that even I could do it. You can find out more about her right here
Virtual Evie
Both of these women have voices that make me forget my own name when they sing. Getting out and going to a live venue takes a lot of for a man on wheels. You have to worry about parking, accessibility of clubs, seating accessible restrooms, and it’s all different at every venue. So it’s extremely convenient for me to be able to log onto my computer and go to a concert in a virtual world anytime I want. For more information check out this article
This post will most likely keep expanding as I show you more of what I do on the Internet. Check the blog often for more of my adventures in the virtual world.
I made this video to be funny, but in all seriousness, the names really are fairly stupid. My standing frame is called an EZ Stand. Believe me ladies and gentlemen, there is nothing easy about it. I guess if I had a marketing degree, it would all make sense to me. I wonder how many of these companies actually employ the kinds of people that use their products? My guess is very few. If you ask me to name a standing frame I’d come up with something like ” The Enduro Stand. It’s going to hurt, what’s your physical fitness worth?” At least it’s honest.
It’s Monday and I should be in the standing frame right now. I’m not because I woke up this morning, and everything hurts. it sounds like a really old man thing to say, but in the last couple years I really notice when the weather changes because it affects my body. Most of the time when I wake up like this. I fight through it. If I’ve got lazy every time I hurt I’d never do anything. Today was different. I got out of bed and just didn’t have the energy to deal with the added pain of the standing frame.
When I was a kid I had no problem taking time off. Snow days were a blast. I had no issues spending an entire day playing video games or watching movies. As I’ve gotten older however, it’s getting really hard take my brain out of work mode. Even though I skipped out on the standing frame, I feel like I need to be doing something work related. I guess that’s why I am writing this. It bothers me that I feel this way, because time off is a good. The human body needs rest, your brain needs time to down. I think this is something that Americans struggle with. I feel I have to work all the time because I’m not where I want to be in my life. Until I get there, taking a day off seems like a waste of very valuable time that I should use to get myself closer to where I want be.
As I was typing that, I realize that’s how people get burnt out. With that in mind, carve some time out for yourself this week. In the long run, I think it will be much more beneficial to your success then either you or I have any concept of. I’m going to get a massage in about 10 minutes, and then I’m going to take time off and watch some Netflix or play video games. I’m pretty sure my body will thank me later.
I got a semi full-time personal assistant in October. since then I’ve been making a to-do list. This list has to do with getting things done, that I never really have had the mobility or the help to do before.
One big thing on this list, is getting an agent. I’ve been speaking whenever I can for a very long time, but I’ve never had someone to represent me. Someone to work toward my interest. If you talk to anyone in show business, one of the first things they say to you is get an agent. I decided that it was time.
I’ve never had experience with this sort of thing. I wasn’t even sure where to start so I called an agency here in town and told them that I was interested in seeking representation. To my surprise, they told me I should come in and see them. We set appointment for the afternoon, and I begin putting things together to give to them. The main piece is the PDF you can find by going to the link below.
It has everything you need to know about me all at a glance. (well except for this blog I need to fix that) the second was a glowing recommendation letter from the last place that I spoke. I was ready, I was going to take these people by storm.
I showed up a half hour early to look the building over for the best way in and such. As I’ve said before, you have to do a little extra prep being in wheelchair then a normal person would. As Jane ( that’s the semi full-time personal assistant’s name) and I drove around the building. we realized that there was no accessible entry.
Before you get upset, let me just mention that this sometimes happens, and is just part of Life in wheelchair. We park in the parking lot adjacent to the building, so close that I can actually see the people inside. I call them and say that I have a 4 o’clock appointment but there is a small problem, I can’t get into the building.
First, the woman on the phone says to me. How wide of a door do you need? I say at minimum 28 inches. For the next five minutes people inside frantically measure every door. Finally the woman on the phone says we think we can get you in the back but there’s a step. They have two men in the building that are willing to pick me up. To this I reply that my wheelchair is electric and it weighs about 600 pounds with me in it. I could just see these two men hurting themselves trying to pick the chair up and me somehow being responsible for that. After some thought she agreed. She asked me to hold and I saw the people in the building meeting again trying to figure out what to do.
After a few minutes the voice comes back to me and says that the woman I was scheduled to meet with, will come outside and meet with me.
Remember when I said that I showed up early? Even with all this confusion, it was two minutes until 4 o’clock, our scheduled meeting time.
The woman comes out, I can immediately see that she’s flustered and embarrassed and doesn’t really know what to do. At this point I decide that I need to do my best to make her feel comfortable. I get out of my car shake her hand, give her the stuff I brought and begin to tell her about myself.
The whole time she seems completely out of her element, she tells me that an agent is not an manager and that she sits in our office and waits for her phone to ring. If someone needs a service like a motivational speaker, she matches the person on the phone with her clients skills. She was very clear that she was not a manager. She said she wouldn’t actively spend the time seeking out work for me. Agents didn’t do that. This may be true, but I have met some agents not in my area that did seek out work for their clients. The way she said it, almost immediately after I got out of the car, felt like her best effort to send me somewhere else. I felt she was so uncomfortable from that point on, that she was just trying to get me out of the parking lot. I said what I had to say, and asked her to look over my stuff. She said she would, and then she said it was so hot outside that she couldn’t focus. I’m sitting there, having no problems focusing. I shook her hand again, and she began to walk away, saying it was hot, and she needed to get inside. I let her walk a couple steps and then said ” aren’t you going to need a way to get in touch with me?”
She hadn’t taken my number at that point and I could see she wasn’t going to. I had provided other ways to get in touch with me in the paperwork I gave her. My point was to give her the best way to get in touch with me. I would think that would be a first priority for an agent.
Now think back to the beginning of this post. The fact that I couldn’t get into her building was a minor problem. That’s just something that comes up when you’re me. What I want you guys to see in this story, Is her reaction to me.
Our 4 o’clock meeting lasted less then five minutes. I was pulling out of the parking lot at 4:05. Why? The answer is, I made her uncomfortable.
I’m not upset with her. I’m just trying to make the point that I believe this is the way that 98% of population reacts to someone like me. It’s why I do everything I do. No offense to Howard Stern, but I want to be the king of all media. I want to be on radio and TV. I want to write blogs, do interviews, and basically make a living being me. The reason for this, is that I want to show people that my issue, called a wheelchair. Is no different from issues that normal people deal with every day. I’m just a guy. Extraordinarily funny and gifted maybe, but still just a guy. The next time you see a person who is different from you don’t be uncomfortable, if you are not they won’t be either. It’s just a difference, be open, ask questions. You maybe shocked. because they’re actually willing to answer them. Life is too short to be uncomfortable.
It occurred to me that before finding this blog you may have never heard of me. So it would make sense to talk to you about other projects that are near and dear to my heart.
One of those projects is Gaming Uncensored. A podcast of mine that has been on the air for more than 10 years. It started as a college radio show at West Texas A&M. To learn how I got started there, check out This post. When we started, the idea of a radio talkshow that was centered around videogames scared a lot of people who were in charge at the time, We heard things like “you can’t talk about video games for two hours with no music, no one will listen to that. Even the morning show has music. It only works for the sports show because people love sports” the scary thing about these comments, was that the radio station known as 91.1 “The One” was a student run radio station.
The station for your generation
These comments came from people our own age. Thanks to Dr. Leigh and Randy Ray ( he’ll get some love in a later post) we got on the air. I remember having a conversation with the program director at time, who is still known to this day as Mad Dog ( he has a real name but mad dog is much cooler, so where going with that). The conversation went something like this. Mad Dog: :this will never work you have to play music. Me: ” dude, we won’t suck, just give me six weeks. If you don’t like it take us off the air” after that conversation, the show ran for two years, we won numerous awards and ended up in the local papers several times. When my cohost Tommy graduated from school and moved to Memphis Tennessee to start his new life, we didn’t want to stop so we decided to do the show as a podcast from that point on. We had been running the podcast side-by-side with the radio show from day one. (we didn’t think a two hour radio show was enough, we may have an unhealthy need for attention) when he moved we went to podcasting full time. We didn’t know it then, but according to some of our listeners, we were the first podcast out there devoted to videogames. There were literally, 12 podcasts at that time, and iTunes didn’t have a directory like they do now so, it’s not hard to believe.
We are still doing our thing 10 years and over 450 shows later. We don’t do it as often as we would like, but we’re still here. You can get to the website by clicking on our logo above, or you can stream us on stitcher radio right Here.
Gaming Uncensored it Is one of the most worthwhile things I do with my life, I have a great friend and partner in crime in Tommy. No matter how busy we get… Or how much time passes between each show. We continue to do it because we love it, and probably always will