Category Archives: Motivational

Do you know where your remote is?


I spoke to a school recently and I had a sophomore in high school ask me if I had ever been bullied. My answer was no. That seemed to surprise everybody in the auditorium. What might be more surprising to you is that it’s true.

Everyone was always nice to me. I don’t know if this is because they genuinely liked me or if they were afraid. I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older that there is a lot of fear out there towards me and the other people with handicaps. Fear of the unknown I guess.

I think one of the main reasons I was never bullied was because I was vocal. If someone had wanted to push me somewhere I didn’t want to go, there wasn’t much I could physically do to stop them. No one ever really tried. I think this is mostly because everywhere I went the authority figures, teachers or older people were always my friends.

If someone had ever tried I would have been very loud and vocal about the fact that I was not a fan of being moved without my permission, and someone around  would have come to my aid. Evie has told me that I am the loudest, most opinionated man she has ever met, bar none. I think most of the people that know me would say the same thing.

I think it comes from the fact that someone in my position has to be able to communicate well because if we are in public there’s a pretty good chance that we will require assistance of some type from others around us. I don’t like it, but that’s just a fact of my life. Because of this, if I don’t like something or don’t want to do something, I’m pretty loud and obvious about it.

I think that’s the key to bullies. You have to make your desires known, and make them known loudly. Preferably to somebody in authority.

I know lots of people, especially young people want to handle their own business, and don’t want to be seen as unable to take care of themselves. If you are one of those young people reading this. Take it from a guy who can’t take care of himself. Like it or not, at some point you are going to have to ask for help from others to be successful.

I truly believe that human beings are not designed to work alone. Maybe that’s just because my circumstances don’t really give me an option to try to work alone. There are many times in my day, whether it’s getting dressed, or going to the restroom, or showering that I wish I didn’t have to ask for help. In each of those situations however, I don’t really have a choice. If you are being bullied, say something. In many cases I promise there is no better choice. You are important, and your opinions and desires matter.

You can take control of every situation that involves you. Sometimes taking control means asking for help. Sometimes you may have to ask more than once. If that’s what it takes then do it. You are in control of what happens to you. If it has already happened, be loud and let anyone who will listen know, so that it doesn’t happen again. You are too important to be bullied, abused or neglected. You are special, and worth it. Take control and let everyone else know it.

I am insanely protective of those who are important to me. You are important to someone, never doubt that. We’ve all been given free will and the ability to take control of our lives however we choose. Don’t lose the remote.

Thank you to Evie for being my partner in crime and helping me to illustrate my stories far better than I could on my own.

If something is worth doing you’ll find a way to do it


Life is hard it just is. I think it’s built that way. It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, everyone struggles with something, my something happens to be a wheelchair. I’ve met a few people in chairs(I emphasize the word few) who just take life easy. If something is hard, they get help before even attempting it themselves.

I’ve never been that way. I wish I had the mindset to chill all day and play video games or watch Netflix, because I can. That would be awesome. Unfortunately I have this little voice in my head, that says “there is work to be done” I am not independently wealthy and I don’t think that will voice will go away until I am. I’m going to be really honest here and tell you that I have no idea what my future holds. I’ve always lived with my family and they have been care of me. I’m at an age now where I know they’re not going to be around forever. When my parents are gone, I know I’ll be taken care of but I don’t know to what extent. Consequently that little boys in my head is getting very loud. I’m constantly working, trying to find a way to make money. (that’s part of the reason that there is a donate button on every page of this blog). Most of that goes to Evie by the way. Fancy webpages and art don’t come cheap, and a girl has to eat.

Back to the point. It would be hard for me to go out and get a regular job. Even with my fabulous personal assistant and Jane. So, I work from home. I don’t make all the money that I will need to prepare for my future, but it’s a start.

My mom gets frustrated when people park in handicap parking spaces and they aren’t handicapped, or in front of ramps. I don’t because I figure I’ll find a way to get somewhere, no matter what obstacle it Is in front of me. There’s always away, it may take time find it, but there’s always a way. Believe it or not I found ways to get in to friends houses that had stairs. It wasn’t easy but we did it.

I think that’s the key to getting through the toughness in life. You just have to do it. You have to get up everyday, and face whatever obstacle is in front of you. The only way you can lose and not make progress is to quit. No matter what you’re struggling with Debt, School, relationships, work, whatever it is, the only way you can fail is to quit.

It may not feel like you’re not getting  anywhere for weeks, or months, or years. It may feel like you’re drowning. I’ve been there and it wasn’t so long ago.  When you are in that place all you can do is keep going, I’m pretty sure I have already written a post or two on this topic. I bring it up again today, because I feel that we need to be reminded regularly that we all go through the same stuff and we are not alone.

Here’s my question to you kind reader. What obstacles are you facing in your life, and how do you plan to get over them? Comments please.

Thanks again to Evie for today’s comic.

A good system can get you where you want to go in 2016



I know that most of you made New Year’s resolutions. I don’t really because I don’t see the point. You can pretty much say anything, but if you don’t do the work it doesn’t matter. A very smart friend of mine routinely says” under promise and over deliver. I find that this works extremely well in almost every aspect of life. Applying it to my own life, most people don’t expect a lot of me because i’m in a wheelchair.  consequently, when I do something that’s not even really that amazing, I get applauded. (graduating from college is a great example of this).

There were a lots of people in my life who thought I had conquered the world when I graduated. If there are any Young kids out there, going to college is not hard. If you show up every day and put in a reasonable amount of effort, you’ll be doing better than 90% of your classmates, and trust me, you will be rewarded for it.

Back to the original point. If you want to get something done this year. The key is just to start,and take small steps towards where you want to be. I know that I need a book under my belt, and this blog is a small step toward getting there. When I first started writing the book, I would sit in front of the word processor, and be completely at a loss as to what to write. Then Sara came along, and helped me deal with one of my biggest hurdles at that time, the typing. When she got too busy to help me anymore. Evie showed up. After some trial and error. She started this blog, despite my whining. I’ve learned over the last several months , that if I have even a little feedback from readers, it’s much easier for me to continue writing. (my friend Scott Adams calls this creating a system to make it easier to get to where you want to go.) You can read my review of his book right here.

It’s been several months since I read that book, and I’ve had a chance to apply systems to my own life, (this blog being one of them), and based on my experience Scott was right. This is much easier than sitting in front of a word processor, (and much more dynamic). Sometime in the near future, (I have no idea when), I will have enough content here to finally put together the book that I started years ago.

So let’s recap, grand resolutions are hard to keep, (impossible for most of us). So instead create a system that will get you where you want to go. If you want to lose weight, find something you enjoy doing, like taking a walk in the park, instead of going to the gym. If it’s fun you’ll do it better(and the more often) I swear. Working on this blog is fun, so I write more it’s that simple.

Just for fun, tell us what resolutions you have made for 2016 in the comments.  Let’s talk about creating systems instead of setting goals to get you where you want go. Give Evie some props for the fancy artwork while you’re down there. Thank you rock star.

Also thanks to Scott Adams. Go read his book.




No one is perfect and if they were they’d be bored to death




I’m obviously not perfect. My chair reminds me of that every day. No one is, but we all seem to strive for it. For some it’s about weight. Others it’s about money, or self-image. It varies but we all struggle with something.

I don’t really ever think about my imperfections until I’m turned down by a woman that I’m interested in. Everything else in my life could be going my way, but when that woman says no, I struggle.

Intellectually, I know I’m a great guy and if someone doesn’t want me it’s their fault, but in truth, when I get told no, it’s a massive struggle to not get down on myself, and start thinking “if I wasn’t in a chair, she’d say yes. I can’t really blame her who would want someone with all my issues”

Truth is, if I wasn’t in a chair, I’d still be flawed in some other way. No one is perfect because our imperfection is what makes us interesting. My imperfections give me a perspective on life, that very few people will ever have. My imperfection makes me unique, and gives me gifts that no one else can match.

It’s hard to keep that in mind when you’re struggling, I know, but it’s true. There is no one on earth like you, who can do what you do, because they don’t have the imperfections that make you who you are. Use them and be great.

Thanks to Evie for another  great comic

What will you do with a fresh start?

Being in a wheelchair isn't easy but I ride a wheelie as often as I can
Being in a wheelchair isn’t easy but I ride a wheelie as often as I can

It’s the first day of 2016. That means as of 12 AM, last night we all get to start fresh. Whatever happened last year can be left in the past and you can look forward to the future. 2016 can be whatever you want it to be.

Make the best of it.  Feel free to share your plans for the year with the rest of us in the comments below

This is the first comic of the year from Evie. I can’t wait to see what’s next. We both wish everyone the best of everything this year. I’m wondering if she’s supposed to be the cat peeking from behind my chair?


In case you aren’t aware Christmas is here


Let’s get this out-of-the-way right now. I’m an adult and I believe in Santa Claus. Christmas may be my favorite holiday.I’ve never thought to ask Santa for a body upgrade, but after seeing the comic a couple of days early I added it to my list. (I’ll let you know how it’s working out in a future post).

I love to give and there is just something special about this day. Most important to me is what this day means to me as a Christian. I believe that God has blessed me in more ways than I can even describe, and I I am so thankful.

Know that you are special. blessed with gifts and talents you might not even be aware of. You may not feel it, but trust me there are there.

I am blessed by the people around me. My family, Evie, Natalie and more friends than I can name, Evie doesn’t like for me to talk about her much. The truth is this blog would be nothing without her. She keeps me on my toes, and  is constantly pushing me to create better content.  I’ve always wanted a business partner. It’s no fun taking over the world by yourself. If I am successful at all, it will be because we did it together. Thank you for all your work and all that you do.

If you’re reading this I hope you have support in your life similar to what I have been blessed with. If not, the new year starts in just a few days, and we all get to start fresh. We are going to take a small break, but we will be back January 1 with fresh new content. In the meantime, we have lots of content that you may not have gotten around to reading. Most of it makes sense I promise.

I don’t talk about often, but we do have a donate button on the side of the page if you’d like to give us a Christmas present, and support what we do. No obligation of course. Our content is free and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. If you have ever wondered what the money goes for. It helps me to pay for all the fabulous work that goes on around here. (Points to the comic above).

Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy Kwanzaa and whatever else I forgot. (I guess that’s why people say happy holidays) we will see you in about a week. Thanks for reading, if you weren’t reading, there would be no reason for me to write. You make it all worth it.

I don’t get stressed in my pajama pants



I don’t watch the news a lot, mainly because most of it is bad. This time of year it doesn’t matter where you go, most people seem to be in a bad mood, not in the holiday spirit. I guess I can’t them. Combine all of the bad news we see with every day stress, and then add in the extra stress that comes with a special times of the year, and it’s easy to see how someone could lose track of what’s good in their lives.

I’m not just being funny with today’s comic. I LOVE my pajama pants. I’m wearing them right now. If I don’t have an appointment or somewhere to be, I wear them everyday. I refuse to wear them in public but that’s a whole other thing. I don’t get people who wear them in Walmart or other very public places. I know you want to be comfortable but come on.

That  said, if I’m home they are my favorite things to wear. They just make me feel better. When you’re stressed i,f you can find a small way to improve your outlook even if it’s wearing pajama pants, it makes all the difference in the world. if you don’t believe me give it a try. (wearing PJs to work is not endorsed by this blog, unless you have a day for that that’s totally cool). For you it may not be pJs that makes you feel good. Find something small that gives you comfort, and use it liberally to get through the stressful times. A nice hot shower is another great example.

On a sidenote, the new Star Wars gave me comfort and drastically improved my attitude. (it’s really good that’s all I’m saying). More on that in a future post.

I’ve heard athletes say’ look good feel good Play good” I think there’s a lot of truth to that. If you feel good because of something you’re doing, I think it makes every day life much easier. So go put on some PJs, watch a good movie or listen to some music. Your stress may not go away, but doing something that makes you feel good either physically or emotionally helps keep it at bay.

Thanks to Evie for another fabulous comic

This has been a Motivational Monday

Rocky ain’t got nothin on me


I’ll admit I probably missed out on a few things in my life, I would have loved to have been able to play sports, but to be honest, the chair is all I know.

When I think about playing sports I can’t really imagine what it would feel like to be graceful enough to do something like that. It would be fun I’m sure but I can’t really imagine having that much ability, and control over my body. I think there is something to the saying “you don’t really miss what you never had”

The only reason I wanted to run up the steps in Philadelphia is because the image of Rocky doing it was etched in my brain at very early age.

Truthfully, the only time I really ever think about not being able to walk or run is when there is an accessibility issue, or I want to dance with a girl. (I have been known to take a girl out onto the dance floor in my lap for a spin). So the chair doesn’t really stop me from dancing,  finding a woman who is open-minded enough to do that           Is rare, but they do exist. I also dance in the virtual world of Second Life from time to time, but I’m kind of picky when choosing my dance partner, and they don’t always say yes. If you want to dance it can be done.

I suppose the same could be said for wheelchair sports, although I’ve never really been interested in trying them. so I can’t speak to that. The moral of the story is, whether it’s a wheelchair, or a loss of a limb, or any other number of things that might seem like a limitation. The only real limitation is whether or not you’re willing to try and find a way around it. If there is no way around it, then find the benefit in it. Are half full or half empty?


This has been Wheelchair Wednesday

Thanks again to Evie for the fabulous comic. Comments are welcome.

We all have issues but do you know yours?



My physical weaknesses are fairly apparent. I can’t walk and I have fairly limited motor skills. These are probably obvious to anyone who meets me. What they may not know is that I have mental weakness as well. I have self Image issues, as well as occasional doubt about my self worth. I know that I have these issues. Knowing means that I am aware of the aspects of my life that need  work.

Like me, you have some fairly obvious weaknesses. Some of them you may not be able to do anything about. I can’t do anything about my cerebral palsy. That’s completely out of my control. I will always need help, dressing, showering, etc. What I can work on is believing that I am worthy. Knowing that I’m a good man, and understanding that the way that someone reacts to me, my chair, my looks, my approach to life is not my problem. I have felt rejected many times in my life. I felt that the rejection was somehow my fault. I pushed too hard, was around too much, As I get older I’m learning that when this happens it’s rarely my fault. Knowing this doesn’t make rejection easier to take but it helps to combat my self-doubt. It has taken me years to understand why I have self doubt. For a long time I thought I was broken, that women treated me badly because I had done something to deserve it. That maybe I wasn’t good enough to do a certain job, or speak at a certain place. As I have said in previous posts, it’s very easy to get depressed and let self-doubt take over. Knowing who I am. and reminding myself that my doubt isn’t rational keeps me level, and allows me to focus on what I can control.

We all have weaknesses, places we struggle. Knowing and understanding yours, may not change your life, but ultimately it will make you stronger. We all have issues but do you know all yours?


Image can be found here

Dreamers can’t be afraid

 Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. – Les Brown
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. – Les Brown


I’ve had to fight my entire life. I had to fight to even be born. Then I had to fight to live, then I had to fight through five surgeries. From there, I fought to show people  what I was capable of in school. Even in college I fought hard to prove I could do the job I wanted. If you are new here and you want to know more about all that, go back and check out all the early posts.

There’s not much in life that I fear. The one exception is that maybe all of the mountains I have climbed in my life, were for nothing. Maybe all those naysayers were right. Maybe I’m not as good as I think I am. Maybe I don’t have gifts that can change the world.

It’s easy to get stuck in that mindset for periods of time. I’ll admit that I’ve been fighting it off and on this year. I launched this blog thinking I could change the world with it, and the response hasn’t been what I had hoped.

I tried to shoot a trailer for a TV show and it’s still not done. Nothing has worked the way I anticipated this year, but I don’t give up, for one simple reason. I WON’T BE BEATEN  BY MY FEAR. If you feel like I have for a lot of this year. I have good news for you. The year is almost over and we get to start fresh very shortly. The new year means all kinds of fresh possibilities.

Take the next three weeks and make them count. Do small things to make sure next year you can start living your dream. I know what mine is, do you? If you don’t know, start thinking about what you want. What you want for yourself is all that really matters. I’ve known for a long time what I want, and I’ve fought hard to work towards it. I got tired and frustrated, and let that fear overtake me for short periods this year. Next year is going to be better. I’m going to get closer to what I want, and I’ve already started working toward getting 2016 off on the right foot. Are you going to live your dreams next year or are your fears? only you can decide.  


Image can be found here